What are the benefits of makeup remover oil?
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What are the benefits of makeup remover oil?

Publié le 03 April 20 - 8 minutes de lecture

Why use a makeup remover oil?

Makeup remover oil is starting to make its mark in women's bathrooms. In fact, evening routines increasingly include double cleansing, which includes a makeup remover and a cleanser to better prepare the skin before bed. Makeup remover oil is the flagship treatment of this step of the routine, and for good reason: it knows how to listen a little more to your skin and also has many benefits.

The virtues of makeup remover oil

Makeup remover oil is increasingly popular for cleaning facial skin because it has different virtues for the epidermis and offers many advantages and benefits that we will present to you below.


How to remove makeup better

Cleaning your face is an essential step in your evening routine. Over the course of the day, pollution, dead cells and other impurities accumulate there, clogging pores and preventing the skin from breathing . A simple cleansing can help you remove your makeup and get rid of all these elements that are harmful to your body. But what should you turn to? Cream or milk makeup removers and micellar water are the most popular.

However, some skins prefer removing makeup with fingers for even more sensoriality.

Makeup remover oil then turns out to be your best ally. It is, by definition, an oily substance. In other words, its texture and properties allow it to effectively capture and dissolve all makeup that is lipophilic (and therefore attracted to these same oily substances). After rinsing, the skin is therefore freed from all its impurities . The face is not dried out and the complexion is luminous and radiant with beauty.

Respect the skin

Ineffective makeup remover means irritated skin . Because the more poorly formulated it is, the more you will insist on poorly cleansed areas, where makeup becomes capricious and does not completely disappear. This is often the case for the eyes, the most fragile area of ​​the face due to the thinness of the skin, and which therefore requires very special attention .

So forget about makeup removers that require dozens of cotton pads . This forceful makeup removal will only end with redness and poorly removed eye makeup. Makeup remover oil removes everything that is superfluous in a single pass. This efficiency helps to pamper your skin and not attack it, when it has already had to face the many challenges of the day.

The face is thus cleansed and not irritated, especially since these makeup removers are often made from vegetable oils , which are kinder to the skin.

Clean and protect

These same vegetable oils bring their different properties and benefits to these makeup removers . They offer a texture as pleasant as a milk or cream, but also a more natural fragrance. Rich in antioxidants , vitamins and other essential fatty acids, they offer additional repair and protection to the skin.

A makeup remover oil does not just remove makeup or cleanse ; it can also meet specific needs: moisturizing, nourishing, anti-aging, purifying, regulating, etc. Each one has its own characteristics, you just have to find the one that suits you!

All skin types can adopt it

Contrary to popular belief, cleansing oil is suitable for all skin types. While it may scare combination and oily skin at first, it does not pose any risk of making the skin more oily and can, on the contrary, help regulate it.

It naturally respects the hydrolipidic film of your skin, which thus continues to be protected, whereas certain products tend to alter this barrier against external aggressions.

As with any other skincare product you purchase, it's important to learn about your skin and which oils are right for it to best meet its needs.

Which makeup remover oil should you choose according to your skin type?

One of the many advantages of cleansing oil is its ability to adapt to all skin types, as long as you choose the appropriate treatment suited to your skin.

Choosing a natural makeup remover oil

In general, it is advisable to avoid turning to mineral oils . The latter, resulting from oil refining, will not provide any benefit other than that of cleaning impurities. They often form a new layer on the epidermis which may give it a more beautiful appearance at first glance, but which will end up suffocating it and clogging the pores. In the long term, the skin is weakened , its beauty altered and the complexion becomes dull.

To avoid causing problems for your skin , opt instead for natural vegetable oils: their more respectful composition brings many virtues to your makeup remover and gently cleanses your skin . Also be careful with some of them which are not always natural: in this case, they are often from the petrochemical industry and can be harmful to the skin!

Choosing the right comedogenicity index

As surprising as it may seem, combination and oily skin is no exception and tolerates them perfectly. However, oils could scare them: they have the unfortunate reputation of making the skin even more greasy or stimulating the production of sebum . However, this is what these people want to avoid at all costs: in their case, the hydrolipidic film, this natural barrier of the dermis made mainly of sebum and water, has difficulty regulating itself. Sebum is produced in excess, which can clog pores, cause pimples to appear and give a shiny appearance to the face. We can therefore quite understand that an oil resembles their worst enemy. But this is not the case!

First of all, it is necessary to take into account the comedogenicity index of the natural vegetable oils used. This index, between 0 and 5, is used to determine the ability to cause pimples. The higher the index, the greater the risk of pimples appearing. So, if you are already affected by these "problems", simply take an oil with an index close to 0. This is the case for Sunflower or Jojoba oil. The latter are the great favorites of oily skin for their regulating action, which limits the production of sebum while protecting it.

Dry and mature skin has less of a comedogenicity issue to worry about and can opt for an oil regardless of its index. However, it is recommended for them to look at those that have nourishing , softening or restorative properties. Argan is perfect since it is known for its deep nourishment, just like sunflower. Avocado is known for softening, moisturizing and restoring radiance while borage has anti-aging properties.

Choose a product that suits all skin types

If you are not sure about your skin type, jojoba or sunflower oil remains the best choice since they adapt to everyone. Indeed, their sebum-regulating power restores and repairs the hydrolipidic film of the epidermis , regardless of whether it produces too much or not enough sebum.

Some ingredients may be contraindicated depending on your skin, your body's tolerance or certain situations. Sensitive skin and pregnant women should therefore avoid active ingredients rich in essential oils. Similarly, compositions based on nuts (Hazelnut, Sweet Almond, Macadamia) should be avoided in case of allergies .

How to apply your makeup remover oil?

To take full advantage of all the benefits of makeup remover oil , it is recommended to integrate it into your routine for a double cleansing that will not dry out the skin and will remove makeup, dust and dead cells accumulated during the day.

The makeup remover oil comes into play at the first step of the routine . So forget your cotton pad: the oil is applied directly with your fingers!

As with a massage, first warm it up by rubbing a little product between your hands. Then apply directly to the skin of your face in circular movements, taking care to keep your eyes closed : in addition to releasing tension, this massage stimulates subcutaneous blood circulation, which helps smooth out wrinkles and fine lines, firm up facial muscles, but also restore radiance and freshness to your complexion.

After removing all makeup and dust, moisten your fingers, or wet your face directly. Repeat the massage : the oil should emulsify to act in depth. Remove the last dust before rinsing thoroughly with lukewarm water.

Continue with the second step using a suitable cleanser , then finish your routine with your usual care.

In short, makeup remover oil removes makeup and cleanses effectively while protecting the skin, provided you choose the right one! You will also be doing something for the planet by reducing your cotton consumption!

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Why choose a makeup remover oil?

Currently, there are different types of facial cleansing and makeup remover products on the market. The most popular ones are cleansing oil , micellar water, cleansing milk and cleansing foam. Before deciding on one product over another, it is good to know them all and compare them.

Micellar water

It is very common not to know exactly what it is made of or what its real properties are. However, it is an effective way to clean the face without drying it out. Micelles are particles capable of attracting dirt, as if it were a magnet, and removing it from the face.

Makeup remover milk

The milk absorbs dirt and is then removed with a cotton pad. It can also be rinsed with water . The skin is thus cleansed and very hydrated without risk of irritation. Collosol Milk Water is a cleansing, make-up removing and soothing milk ideal for cleaning and removing make-up from sensitive skin. It offers very gentle cleansing and helps you regain healthy, radiant skin!

Cleansing foam or cleansing gel

The cleansing foam , or cleansing gel, fulfills a triple function: on the one hand, it removes all traces of makeup, including waterproof, as well as everyday impurities, and, on the other hand, it purifies the skin as a tonic. The Chantilly Collosol cleansing foam is ideal for deep and gentle cleansing. Its formula purifies the epidermis and leaves skin smooth and pores tightened.

Makeup remover oil

The function of cleansing oils is different from that of micellar water. The properties of the different types of oil help to improve the hydration and quality of the skin , but without leaving a greasy finish, since they are mainly dry oils. In other words, makeup remover oil does not clean, it treats and improves the appearance of our skin.

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