Detoxify your skin: follow our 6 detox tips

Detoxify your skin: follow our 6 detox tips

Publié le 11 January 20 - 5 minutes de lecture

Dull complexion, blemishes, clogged pores… There’s no doubt about it, your skin needs a detox! Here are the best tips for eliminating toxin overload and regaining luminous, healthy skin.

Why do a skin detox cure?

Is your skin looking dull? Is your skin texture uneven? Have you noticed spots and blackheads? It's time to detoxify your skin! Small daily actions can help fight against the appearance of spots and eradicate dull complexion. A detox cure corresponds to a deep detoxification of your skin but also of your body.

Your lifestyle is a major factor in determining the source of your skin problems. Stress, pollution, and a diet high in fat and sugar are all factors that contribute to the intoxication and poisoning of your body. When the organs responsible for eliminating waste are congested, the skin suffers the consequences.

Skin detox treatment: 5 good steps

On a daily basis or as a treatment, it is possible to stop the phenomenon. Here are some simple but oh so effective actions to regain clear skin, free of toxins.

1- Detoxify your skin by cleaning it daily

Whether you are in a skin detox period or not, daily facial cleansing is the first beauty step to integrate into your routine. Every morning and every evening, make it a point to cleanse your face thoroughly.

However, be careful: skin that needs to be detoxified is weakened skin. The choice of product you will use to remove your makeup and cleanse your face is essential. Choose products and care that are gentle on your skin barrier. For example, this could be a makeup remover with a milky texture, particularly recommended for sensitive skin.

Colloso l'Eau de Lait , with its half-water, half-milk texture, is highly recommended for removing pollution, makeup and dust particles that accumulate on your face. Paraben-free, surfactant-free and dermatologically tested, Collosol's Eau de Lait offers a formula with unrivaled softness. In addition to daily cleansing and makeup removal, make scrubbing part of your beauty routine.

Once or twice a week, you can also use a gentle exfoliant to unclog and detoxify your face. Exfoliation helps promote skin oxygenation. Choose an organic scrub formulated with natural ingredients (nut peels, fruit pulp, plants, etc.) rather than those made with a cocktail of synthetic agents.

2- Detoxify your skin by taking a steam bath

2 to 3 times a week, treat yourself to a complete steam treatment break. The steam bath is the well-kept secret of all clear skin. The steam bath allows you to clean your face effectively and economically. The facial sauna is effective for:

  • dilate the pores;
  • get rid of toxins and other dirt;
  • improve blood circulation.

The steam bath has the advantage of not requiring a large number of ingredients. A salad bowl, mineral water, a towel and essential oils are enough to set up an effective steam bath. As for essential oils, be sure to choose one that is suited to your skin type:

  • Dry skin: essential oil of Rosewood, Chamomile or Lavender;
  • Normal skin: Ylang Ylang or Geranium essential oil;
  • Oily skin: essential oil of Lemon, Lavender or Patchouli;
  • Acne-prone skin: Tea Tree essential oil. The steam bath should last on average ten minutes and can be followed by an exfoliating treatment.

3- Detoxify your skin on your plate

The opinions are unanimous, a skin detox starts above all with the plate. No cream, however fabulous, will be effective with an unsuitable diet. The radiance of the complexion is often a reflection of the overall health of your body.

The liver and kidneys play a major role in eliminating toxins. These organs are responsible for removing waste from your body. If they are unable to do so, the waste is transported to other organs such as the skin to help it in its task.

To drain the kidneys and relieve the liver, it is advisable to drink plenty of fluids. You can opt for water with lemon juice, chamomile herbal teas or green tea. On your plate, choose fruits and vegetables over meat and dairy products.

4- Detoxify your skin by making masks

Making a mask helps to treat skin problems on a case-by-case basis. Again, the mask will be different depending on the skin type. You can opt for a homemade clay mask or go for a commercially available organic mask.

Performed after the steam bath and exfoliation, or simply after washing your face with an organic soap or cleansing gel, the mask will clean the skin, remove excess sebum, impurities and pollutants while revealing the radiance of the complexion and erasing signs of fatigue.

5- Detoxify your skin by adopting the right cosmetics

Choosing the right cosmetics is essential to purify your skin. Even during a detox period and regardless of your age, moisturizing your face is essential. There are day and night detox treatments that will help regenerate cells. You can also opt for a night cream with organic orange or organic acerola fruit, known to be one of the fruits richest in vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for the proper functioning of the body, particularly for its antioxidant properties.

6- Detoxify your skin through sport

To have beautiful skin, a balanced diet, sufficient water intake and good hydration with good products are essential steps. In addition, to obtain better results and regain beautiful skin more quickly, physical exercise can be of great help. Discover how sport helps you detoxify your skin.

It stimulates blood circulation

Exercise helps to stimulate blood circulation and therefore promotes the arrival of nutrients as well as oxygen to every part of the body. This increased oxygenation of the skin results in a better complexion, a softer and healthier texture as well as a lower risk of skin problems such as acne.

It exfoliates the skin naturally

Thanks to sweat, dead cells, dirt and impurities are eliminated. Therefore, exercising daily is a bit like exfoliating your skin naturally. And, with sweat, the pores open allowing the exit of toxins and other substances to be eliminated. By unclogging the pores, they cannot become clogged and therefore you will be less likely to suffer from acne or see pimples or blackheads appear.

It makes the skin firmer

Collagen and elastin are constantly renewed during physical activity. Therefore, regular exercise helps delay the appearance of wrinkles and makes the skin firmer and more toned.

Now you know how to detoxify your skin effectively. To go further, find our 5 tips for clear skin!

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