5 Tips for Smoother Skin in Summer
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5 Tips for Smoother Skin in Summer

Publié le 10 August 20 - 7 minutes de lecture

How to keep skin smooth and soft in summer?

Our skin changes with the seasons. In winter, the harsh temperatures tend to dry it out and weaken it. While summer may seem to offer more comfortable temperatures, the fact remains that skin can become more sensitive if we don't give it the care it needs during this season. Between UV rays, dehydration, allergies and the beaches of the holidays, skin needs to be protected in the summer season too! Here are some tips to continue to keep beautiful, smooth skin in the summer.

Why does skin change in summer?

Summer is often synonymous with vacations: rest, fine sandy beaches, the sea, the sun... So much so that we almost forget to look at our skin and its needs. During this season too, the skin changes. If it tends to dry out in winter , we often notice the opposite effect in summer: the sebum becomes more fluid with the heat, which makes it even more visible and can cause shine to appear on the face.
The pores naturally secrete sebum and water in a balanced way. But in summer, when sweating is more important, the body can quickly lack water and become dehydrated. The skin on the face then does not have enough water, which can unbalance the hydrolipidic film. This lack of hydration encourages the skin to secrete more sebum, which also has a water retention function. The dermis then enters a vicious circle, can become oilier , and imperfections can then appear.
To make matters worse, summer is often one of the seasons (along with winter) when the body and skin undergo sudden temperature transitions. Between the heat outside and the air conditioning inside, these big temperature changes are not appreciated by the skin. The total absence of an intermediary in this sudden transition also represents an aggression for the epidermis, which is weakened.
Ultimately, summer quickly becomes a season where the hydrolipidic film becomes sensitive and unbalanced. To avoid getting to that point and keep your skin smooth and soft by the beach, it is important to continue taking care of it, even during your vacation far from urban pollution!

Some tips for smoother skin in summer

Continue to remove makeup and clean your face

Double cleansing is your ally at any time of the year! Even if you don't wear makeup and have simply spent the day at the beach (or in the mountains!), it is important to remove your makeup and cleanse your face to preserve its beauty. This double cleansing is essential to keep your skin healthy since it removes excess sebum and other impurities that could attack your face.
At the end of the day, apply and massage your face with a cleansing oil followed by a gentle cleanser, or combine the benefits of cleansing milk and micellar water with Collosol Eau de Lait . You will offer your skin an extra moment of comfort after this day. Collosol has some surprises in store for you soon to take care of your skin in summer and all seasons of the year and offer it even more cocooning moments!
At the beginning of your routine, remember to wash your hands thoroughly before touching your skin. This will help you avoid bringing bacteria to your skin, which can trigger breakouts, as well as other risks of illness in these current times.
Once or twice a week, include a gentle exfoliant in your beauty routine. This weekly scrub is important to renew your skin and allow it to better protect itself. At the same time, add a sheet mask to your routine. The ideal at this time of year is to choose a moisturizing one, which you can leave on after the scrub to allow the pores to properly absorb the moisturizing action of the mask. Finish your care with a moisturizing product such as a cream or a light serum on the skin.

Hydrate your skin from the inside

We've probably already told you: drink water! This advice, to be applied all year round, is essential for taking care of your skin, but also your health. You will quickly notice the benefits: you will be less tired, have fewer headaches, and your skin will regain its radiance and softness. Your body will see its immune system strengthened and your kidneys and liver will no longer tire excessively to function properly. In summer even more, our body evacuates water through perspiration. It therefore needs enough water to not become dehydrated.
There are several tips to help you get into this habit. First, make sure you always have a bottle with you so you don't run out. By keeping it next to you, you'll be more likely to drink. For a more eco-friendly touch, you can opt for a reusable water bottle instead of a plastic bottle. Apps on your phone can also help you, sending notifications from time to time to remind you to drink.
And to vary the pleasures, you can also drink tea or any other water-based drink. Be careful though: contrary to popular belief, drinking very hot is not ideal for combating the heat. It encourages the body to sweat, which then tends to dehydrate more quickly. Conversely, drinking too cold sends contradictory signals to your body, which cuts off the sweating mechanism. In case of high heat, the ideal is therefore to drink lukewarm!

Protect yourself from the sun and oxidative stress

The sun is probably what we appreciate the most in summer. It is vital for our body since it allows the synthesis of vitamin D, itself essential for the proper assimilation of calcium. Vitamin D therefore helps keep our bones, muscles and heart healthy.
While the sun is essential for our good health, prolonged exposure can have harmful effects on the skin. Among its immediate effects: sunburn or even burns, the appearance of herpes spots and skin spots. In the longer term, UV rays promote the oxidation of cells, which then generate waste: free radicals. The presence of the latter is completely natural: our body is equipped with antioxidants responsible for destroying them to maintain a balance.
But an imbalance and an excess of these free radicals can be dangerous for the body: this is called oxidative stress. Free radicals directly attack the body and then cause undesirable effects: premature aging of the skin (dryness, appearance of wrinkles), but also of the body. Oxidative stress can be responsible for age-related degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's, but also cardiovascular diseases or cancers.
To keep your skin looking radiant and healthy, it is important to protect yourself from the sun. During prolonged exposure, apply a sunscreen suitable for your skin with a high protection factor (SPF50). Reapply this protection regularly, at least every 2 hours, on both your body and face. Also wear a long-brimmed hat or a cap with a visor to further protect your face and avoid sunstroke.

Adopt a healthy lifestyle

Summer is also often synonymous with barbecues, grilling and maybe even chilled rosé. These excesses quickly resemble those of winter! Treating yourself is important, but remember to add vegetables and fruits to your dishes. Seasonal vegetables go very well with summer grilling. You can also favor fruits full of water, such as watermelon, for additional hydration. Alcohol, which also promotes oxidative stress, should obviously be drunk in moderation, and always accompanied by a glass of water to avoid dehydration!
All bodies are bikini bodies! To keep it in shape, practice regular physical activity.
One last detail that should not be overlooked is sleep. It is during the night that the body takes a moment to stop and rest. This is also the case for the skin. A good night's sleep is important for its cell renewal and to allow it to regenerate. If you have followed an adequate beauty routine by applying care before going to bed, you will help your skin to repair itself and protect itself for the morning and the following day.

Don't neglect your body's skin

If the skin on your face needs to be protected, so does the skin on your body. While it is usually protected by clothing during other seasons, this is much less the case in summer. It is then more exposed to external aggressions that can weaken it.
Protect your body with sunscreen when you go out. After days at the beach, with sand or sea water, your skin may need to get rid of the excess impurities it accumulates. You can then exfoliate your skin with a gentle exfoliant, once a week. The skin will then be smoother, softer, and will regain its radiance. Finally, remember to moisturize it regularly with a light moisturizer.
While a cool shower is a good idea in summer, don't overdo it. Neither too hot nor too cold: just like the drinks you consume, the ideal is a lukewarm temperature, which will not weaken your skin. We also respect our skin during the bath! Relaxing baths are easy to make : add 3 caps of Eau de Lait to your bath to intoxicate yourself with a light and delicate fragrance and embalm your skin with softness. Enough to have smooth and hydrated skin after your bath!

Taking care of your skin in the summer will keep it smooth throughout the season, but will also better prepare it for the colder seasons that come after. Carrying out these small daily actions only takes a short time and will keep your skin smooth and soft!

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